Guess Whos Going To Be On Gardeners World?!

I ‘m gonna be on TV ! Yep, ME! Little old Me! A completely bonkers moment that I will no doubt, many, many years from now, bore my Grandchildren to tears with, as I tell them the story of how Grandma came to be on Gardeners World!….Can you tell Im a tad excited??

gardeners world filming

I cant Play It Cool!

I feel I should be a little more demure about it, act a little cooler, perhaps approach the experience with a more nonchalant, casual attitude. BUT I AM NOT THAT GIRL! I make no apologies for my excitement… its GARDENERS FRICKIN WORLD!

If You are reading this in the UK, I doubt an introduction is necessary. But if you are across the water and not familiar with the show. Heres a little recap…

Gardeners‘ World is a long-running, much loved British gardening programme, which was first broadcast on the 5th January 1968. This year, 2023 marks the series 54th season! It is as British as Earl Grey and Crumpets! And us English folk love it!

I have watched Gardeners World for Years! This fine show has nurtured generations of gardeners, influenced millions of gardens and encouraged countless garden designers to embrace their passion and follow their dreams. Am I selling it to you enough yet? If you havent watched it…you really should, its pretty special!

How It Happened

I dont know about you, but I love a bit of a back story! I often wonder how folks came to be on tv, the process etc. So, allow me to fill you in…

It started with an Email…

On April 20th This year I received an Email from a woman named Claire, a researcher for the BBC. Her Producer had come across my Website and Instagram and thought I might be a good fit for Gardeners world….she asked if I would be available for a chat?

Hell yeah I would!… I do believe they were my actual words when I read the email!

I forwarded my Number and the next day the Lovely Claire called and we chatted for around 30 minutes, she was as nutty about gardening and DIY as I was and we gabbed without pause, like a couple of old neighbours over the garden fence!

She said nothing was certain yet but she would pass on her recommendation to the powers that be and the producer might be in touch….so with fingers crossed, I waited.

Around 3 Weeks later I received a Call from A gardeners World Producer, a lovely chap called Simon. Simon had spent some time on my website and loved all the garden DIY and the frugality of the way I garden as a whole. We arranged a date for him to Visit the Allotment, so we could have a walk about and a chat.

On the 29th of June my husband and I met Simon at our Allotment and we discussed how we created the space, how we built the Potting Shed, How we renovated the free greenhouse, what we loved to grow and what gardening meant to me. It all went very well, Simon was incredibly easy to talk to and I felt at ease with him instantly. 

We checked our diaries and set aside Friday 21st July for Filming. The Allotment would be in full bloom by then and with a little bit of luck… the sun might shine too!

Getting Ready

When You watch Gardeners world and the film crew visits all the show gardens and everything is so pristine and perfect. Each flower pruned to perfection and vegetable gardens packed with cabbages worthy of a show bench! 

On My Allotment ? This was never Gonna Happen! I have a working Allotment and it has all the pitfalls that go with it! That includes Moth eaten Cabbages (despite the nets!) and slug Ravaged KohlRabi. 

Not all was lost, my Tomatoes were in good spirits as were my Tomatillos. My Onions were lovely and fat, my spuds were ready to pick, my strawberry patch was thriving and a good healthy show from the herbs, medicinal plants and ornamental grasses was most welcome. The wins thankfully out weighed the losses…you can’t win them all! 


The Clean Up

The week before filming was a massive weedathon! Damn You Marestail! You are the absolute bane of my Life! 


During this mass weed exodus and clean up, I gently reminded myself that this was a working plot, perfection is something I’ve never aimed for, so why start now! Perfection is tiring, too restrictive, ‘lived in’ is more my thing! And so, I gave myself a break.

Let the weeds grow, the paint peel and the slugs feed…its all gardening!

The day Of Filming

The day arrived and Simon the producer was accompanied by John the Camera Man, James the Sound guy and researcher Jacqui. A lovely bunch of people who really knew their stuff and made the whole experience stress free and enjoyable!

Filming started around 9 am and right on cue, the heavens opened, dogs started barking and a plane or 2 flew overhead! There was also an annoying constant drip sound that nobody could find!

Chit Chat!

I was seated in the greenhouse amongst my Pots, Peppers and Tomatoes and was asked a bunch of questions about my life, my love of Gardening and my DIY obsession.

Gardeners world filming
Lots of laughter

We then filmed a little tour of the Allotment and even stopped for a chat with My Hubby! Here he is, my master builder!

It was expected that the filming would take the whole day, we had the occasional dash for shelter due to the rain and the Allotment Cat crept into shot a few times. Yet despite all that, we still made very good time and the whole shoot was finished by 2pm !

gardeners world
Behind the scenes

gardeners world
Always Make Time for Tea!

potting shed
My potting shed

Raspberry Corner

I don’t want to spoil anything by revealing too many details but suffice to say it was a wonderful experience! I laughed a lot and went away with wonderful memories of the day. It wasn’t all work, there was some play! During a break, James, John And Simon each had a go on My Electric bike and are now looking to buy one of their own!

Possible Bloopers!

I got a little tongue tied here and there, the names of certain plants…just fell out of my head! Its like I had forgotten everything I Knew! 🤦

I think I also mixed up the names of a couple of grasses!! Oh, and I tripped over my feet a couple of times too! ….I just have to be hopeful that the editing gods are kind!

Who knows what their going to air?! However it turns out… its fine, its good therapy to laugh at yourself sometimes! And honestly, I really do not care…Im gonna be on Gardeners World!!!

watch it here!


Have a Nosey Around the Blog! See what i’ve been BakingGrowing and Brewing! Also, pop over and say Hi on Instagram



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  1. Hettie March 4, 2024
    • Kelly March 4, 2024

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