Lets embrace the rustic and rugged beauty of nature and follow the cottage core aesthetic! Here are a few informal garden ideas that will create an intimate and relaxing space for gardeners and nature lovers alike….

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What Is Cottage Core?
Cottage core is a term used on Social media that first became popular during Lockdown. It is an admiration for the old-fashioned rural life- all things cottage! What does that entail? In summary it means- crafts, homebaking, rustic unpolished living and self sufficiency….Its right up my street!
I like to think of Cottage core as a step back in time, it is a revival of all the things that were eventually replaced by modern conveniences. Its all about Knitting your own Blankets, baking your own bread, growing your own food, basically DIYing your best life! Indoors and outdoors..
What Is A Cottage Core Garden?
For a Cottage Core garden aesthetic we’re looking for a few simple elements- think charming, romantic, soft yet rustic, the mixing of old and new. But mostly think imperfect! Think flawed! We dont want clean edges and pristine beds, we want the haphazard charm of a wild cottage garden, in summary we want nature to do its thing! With minimal interference from us!
You know the best thing about the cottage core aesthetic? Its kind on the purse! It can be acheived with second hand buys, repurposing, recycling and upcycling. Throw some old and new together and you can create something straight out of a fairytale!

How I Embrace the Cottage Core Trend
In truth i’ve been cottage coring long before cottage core was a thing! I definitely practice what I preach, inside my home and outside, todays post is focused on my Allotment….
Allotment Seating Areas
At the Allotment I have 4 seating areas…that sounds ridiculous doesnt it?! Why on earth does a person require 4 seating areas at an allotment- Don’t I do any work?! ;o)
I should explain, 1. Im not the only member of my family who goes to the allotment, my kids and hubby spend time there too, it saves them sitting in the dirt ;o) 2. Each seating area has a specific purpose and 3. The allotment Cat likes a little variety when choosing where to nap.
1. The Growhouse
The Seating area in the Greenhouse consists of 2 bentwood chairs and a pedestal Table, both of which were off Facebook marketplace. The table was actually free, it was sanded, waxed and repainted and given back some of its rustic charm.

The Greenhouse seating area is where I sow seeds, repot plants and Admire my tomatoes! Its also the spot where my Hubby eats his Bacon Sandwiches every Sunday Morning!
Everything in the Growhouse is DIY’d to some dergree take a look at My Greenhouse makeover post for for more Info.

This is my son Leo’s little chair, it also doubles as a harvest horse!
2. Tea For two
When the sun is shining, I sit here! Cocooned by my raspberry plants, pots and flowers…it is heaven!! The London Rose 2-seater metal bistro set – isn’t it classy?!! Is absolutely perfect for this spot, I very often lose track of time here! I can sit back and admire the Allotment garden, sip tea, sort through my harvests and even reach back and grab a handful of raspberries! I’m heading straight to this very spot as soon as I finish writing this post!

This Tea for 2 area is connected to the side of the potting shed, we lined and covered the floor with pebbles and built a crude shelving structure for storing pots and plants, there really was no finesse to the structural part of this space ! Just some old decking boards and fence posts screwed together! -Creating height and interest in what was once an unused area of the plot. See My vertical gardening post for more ideas
The sideboard was a freebie of Facebook, I didnt do a thing with it, I just allowed nature to take over! The paint peeled and the bugs moved in and it still looks fabulous!

3. Potting Shed
This is where I mostly tend to the baby plants. As you can see… there is a lot of them! I like to sit down for this part!
The potting shed mostly houses Biennials and Perennials for next years garden.

The old farmhouse tall chair was another second-hand bargain buy off facebook marketplace. For more pictures of the potting shed and Building info read my Potting Shed made from old doors post

Ok, im gonna include the potting shed loo, its technically a Seat! I know not many people have an off grid loo in their potting shed…but its better than the kids whizzing behind the cherry tree!
Again the offgrid bathroom was a DIY project more details can be found on the potting shed post
4. Potting Shelter/Drying shelter
Originally built from the broken remains of an old shed, see my potting shelter post . This space not only provides a space to potter but also turned out to be a very handy structure for drying my Garlic, Onions and Herbs

Its also an incredibly useful spot in the event of a sudden downpour! -An open air shelter where I can take a seat, keep dry and still admire the Cabbage patch!
The Allotment
My happy Place! Below are several pictures of my Cottage Core inspired Allotment Garden where I grow Food, Flowers and Healing herbs. I hope it serves as a little inspiration for your outdoor space…

Looking for Budget Friendly Garden DIY Projects?
- DIY Rustic Fence Made From Branches
- DIY Potting Bench From Scrap Materials
- Make a Free DIY Crazy Paving Path
- DIY Shed From Old Doors
- DIY Potting Shelter
- DIY Free Greenhouse
- DIY Bee Hotel
Creating A Garden? Have A nosy at these posts…
- How To Grow Lobelia
- How To Grow Delphiniums
- How to Grow Dahlias
- How To Grow Sweet Pea
- How To Grow Snapdragons
- How To Grow Cosmos
- How To Grow Verbena
Want To Grow A Vegetable Garden?
- How To Grow Turnips
- How To Grow Beetroot
- Lemon Cucumbers
- How to grow Giant Mustard
- How to grow Perfect Carrots
- How To Grow Garlic
- How To Grow SweetCorn
- How To Grow Broccoli in Pots
- How To Grow Spring onions
Have a Nosey Around the Blog! See what i’ve been Baking, Growing and Brewing! Also, pop over and say Hi on Instagram