Ten Ways To Grow A Vertical Garden

Growing a Vertical garden is a wonderfully efficient way to garden! Giving you additional flexibility, by allowing you to free up your precious beds for extra crops and flowers. Read on to find out affordable and practical ways to grow vertically…

Climbing Bean Frame

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A smart Move!

Whether you’re tight on space or not, vertical gardening is always a smart move! Make use of that vast space above your beds and double or triple your growing space with just a few little tweaks.

Did You Know There is a long History of Growing Vertically?

You could be following in some pretty ancient footsteps! Ancient civilisations, constructed vertical gardens that thrived for Centuries. One particular garden has been named one of the 7 ancient wonders of the world. The incredible Hanging Gardens Of Babylon

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The first recorded instance of vertical gardening dates back a whopping 2500 years ago! It was the Assyrian culture who built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in ancient Mesopotamia and started a practice that would span milenia!

What the Assyrians Created was an astounding structural masterpiece with an ascending series of tiered gardens containing a wide variety of shrubs, trees and vines that were set upon vaulted terraces. The gardens had a sloping construct to emulate a sloping hillside and were veined with streams of water that poured from elevated sources, flowing through the tiers creating an environment of humidity that allowed the gardens to remain lush and green.

Vertical Garden Ideas

Vertical gardens nowadays are not as ambitious or nearly as majestic as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, but we have followed their lead, albeit to a much smaller scale. Here are some ways I grow vertically….


You can knock up a bunch of shelves in no time using recyclable materials and a little imagination. Shelves are perfect for indoor gardening, greenhouse gardening and outdoors…especially handy for walled gardens or enclosed yards. In the past I have made use of old decking boards, slats from fence panels, bed slats, broken table tops…pretty much anything made of wood can be fashioned into a shelf or raised surface to display your plants..

DIY garden shelves
Greenhouse Pepper Shelves made from slats from an old fence panel

Greenhouse shelves
Potting Shed Jungle! Shelves made from Old decking boards

Garden shelves
Upcycled Old Shelf Unit in The Greenhouse

Greenhouse shelves
Potting Shed Shelves made from decking boards. Bench made from scrap wood materials

Garden Arches

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Garden Arches not only provide a structure for Vegetables and flowers to climb but also provide a ‘show’. They are wonderful for showcasing the fruits of your labour! You can construct your own free Garden arch..see my Garden Arch Made From Tree Branches or you can buy one cheaply enough online

Buy A Budget Friendly Garden Arch

Garden arch ideas
Runner Beans Growing On a Budget Friendly Garden Arch

DIY Garden Arch
DIY Garden Arch Made from Tree Branches

Fences, Uprights and Bamboo

Chained link fences, column type structures and Bamboo are particularly good for Supporting vegetables like Peas and Beans and flowers such as Climbing Roses and Sweetpeas

Growing peas on a Fence
Pea plant climbing a chain link fence

Blauwscokker peas
Blauwschokker Peas

Pea supports
Early Onward Peas supported by Bamboo Canes

Growing Runner Beans
Runner Beans climbing the Potting Shed Roof Supports

Sweet pea bamboo
SweetPeas on Bamboo teepees

Bamboo Canes Tomatoes
Tomato Plants Supported By Bamboo Canes

Bamboo Canes Tomatoes

DIY Garden Frames

As you can see below we built some simple frames from lengths of 2×1 wood and screwed them to the pallet collar beds, linking them to each other. A wonderfully frugal way to streamline my growing, providing a space saving structure for my Climbing Vegetables

DIY Bean Frame
DIY Bean Frames

DIY bean frame
Neckargold Beans Growing on A Diy Frame

Hanging Baskets and Wall baskets

Using hanging baskets or wall baskets are one of the easiest ways to garden vertically they take up Zero ground and you can grow flowers or even tumbling tomatoes and strawberries in them.

Buy Coir Hanging Baskets

Vertical gardening hanging baskets
Coir Hanging Basket planted with Winter Pansies


Plant perennial vines like self clinging English Ivy to grow up a garden wall (English Ivy can penetrate mortar, so bear that in mind before planting) I myself have Clematis Montana climbing up the walls of my house ( Clematis is not self clinging and will require a support of some kind.. trellis, wire etc) Clematis Montana will also not cause any issues regarding potential mortar damage.

Mayleen Clematis
Clematis Montana ‘Mayleen’

Other Ways To grow a Vertical Garden

Wall Pockets– Easily attached to a wall with Screws. Fill with flowers and shallow root vegetables

Guttering – Recycle half gutter pipes and plant them with Lettuce, Radish, Spinach…even Strawberries! Screw them to walls or tie them to a chain link fence for a vertical growing solution.

Pallets – Use free wooden pallets as a vertical planter..fill with soil and plant with flowers and vegetables.

Trellis – Attach to a wall or place into large containers and allow vines, flowers, and vegetables to climb them. This would be a a good solution for small yards or container gardens

Looking For More Garden DIY?

Make a Free DIY Crazy Paving Path

DIY Shed From Old Doors

DIY Potting Shelter

DIY Free Greenhouse

DIY Bee Hotel

Creating a Garden?

How to Grow Dahlias

How To Grow Sweet Pea

How To Grow Snapdragons

How to Grow Ranunculus

Edible Flowers

Growing a Vegetable Garden. Take a look at these ‘How To’ Veggie Posts…

Lemon Cucumbers

How to grow Giant Mustard

How to grow Perfect Carrots

How To Grow Garlic

How To Grow Spring onions

Looking For more ‘Homely’ Inspo ?

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