How To Grow Forget-Me-Nots And 4 Varieties To Try!

How I Love Spring Forget me nots! These adorably dainty flowers are biennials, but are mostly thought as perennials, thanks to their ability to self seed year after year! Once you have Forget me nots, you will always have forget me nots! Here’s how I grow and care for mine…

forget me nots

Forget-Me-not Characteristics

Forget me nots, also known as myosotis, are mostly low growing plants, which grow anywhere from 4 inches tall to 16 inches tall. Producing clusters of dainty, blue, pink or white flowers.

Each of the 5-lobed flowers, is around 1cm in Diameter with white or yellow centres. Forget me nots are prolific bloomers that will flower for several weeks in April and May

Leaves are a lush green and hairy. The genus name myosotis comes from the ancient Greek word, mus and ous – which means “mouse” and “ear”. This is due to the plants foliage and its short pointed leaves that resemble mouse ears.

In nature they they mostly like to grow in the dampness of woodlands and stream banks.

4 Forget-Me-Not Varieties To Try

There are many Forget-Me-Not varieties to swoon over! But here are the 4 most Common varieties grown here in the UK…

  • Myosotis arvensis (Also known as Field Forget-Me-Not). This variety has mostly blue flowers. Perfect for a wildlife garden or wildflower area.
  • Myosotis sylvatica (Also Known as Woodland Forget-Me-Not). A widely available variety that can have white, blue and Pink flowers
  • Myosotis alpestris (Also known as Alpine Forget-Me-Not). Particularly suited to rock gardens and sloping areas, in fact any area that replicates an Alpine environment. These too, can produce white, pink and blue flowers.
  • Myosotis scorpioides (Also Known as Water Forget-Me-Nots). Perfect pond side! Wonderful for Aquatic type gardens, providing shelter for resident newts and tadpoles


As I mentioned above. Strictly speaking, Forget-Me-Nots are a biennial plant- Which means they usually grow and die within a 2 year lifecycle. However, they readily self seed themselves, causing them to have a perennial type presence in the garden.

Are forget me nots good for insects?

You bet! Forget me nots are a rich source of nectar and pollen for our beautiful bees and Butterflies, this pretty plant plays a vital role in supporting local wildlife.

Where is the best place to plant forget-me-nots?

Forget me nots prefer a moist soil in a sunny or shady spot. They are easy to grow and do well in most conditions. They can be planted in sun or partial shade and will thrive in most soil types, as long as the soil has good drainage and is is kept moist. Be sure to Water regularly.

forget me nots

Planting Ideas For Forget-Me-Nots

These wonderful low-growing plants look their best when growing in masses with other spring-flowering plants, such as Daffodils, Bluebells and one of my favourites, Astrantia .

Forget-Me-Nots are low growers, so are very useful when looking to fill space under taller plants. They are also ideal for rock gardens and as ground cover.

Forget me nots also do very well in pots and other containers. But remember, Forget-me-nots perform their best in cooler weather, and will suffer in pots if the English weather is unseasonably hot! Keep on top of the watering and give them a little shade.

7 Interesting Forget-Me-Not Facts:

  1. Did you know that during the day, Forget Me Not flowers don’t have much of a scent, but once evening arrives -they become very fragrant!
  2. The Forget-me-not is Alaska’s state flower
  3. Most Forget Me Not species are native to New Zealand
  4. There is a National Forget-Me-Not Day! While us brits commemorate our fallen heroes with the Poppy. On November 10th, ‘Americans remember the sacrifices of their returning soldiers that have gave body, blood, and limb’. Forget me not day, founded in 1921, reminds Americans that National Forget-Me-Not Day originally raised funds for services, for returning injured soldiers.  
  5. The forget me not plant has astringent properties; An astringent is a substance that draws water out of tissues, causing them to shrink. In skin care, using astringent products can temporarily tighten the skin, remove oil and shrink pores.
  6. In Folk lore it is believed that those whom wear the flower will not be forgotten by their lovers
  7. The forget me not was especially symbolic during Victorian times. For the Victorians, Forget Me Nots were a symbol of remembrance for those who have passed on and a symbol of true love and devotion. Today they mostly represent true love, faithfulness, and remembrance.

How To Grow forget-me-nots

** Remember Forget-me-nots are biennials and will flower the year after they have been sown.

Buy Forget Me not seeds

forget me nots

Sow Indoors

  • Sow forget-Me-Not seeds from March-June or In September
  • Sow in pots, modules or trays on moist compost. Sprinkle the seeds onto the surface and cover lighly will compost
  • Cover with a propogator lid or polythene bag and place on a warm windowsill. Keep the compost moist until germination occurs
  • When seedlings are large enough to handle, plant out in their final spot once all risk of frost has passed. Flowers will appear the following year* Don’t Forget to Harden off indoor raised seedlings first.

What Does Hardening Off Mean?
Plants raised indoors or in a greenhouse environment, need to be acclimatised to cooler temperatures and increased air movement for about two to three weeks before they are planted outdoors permanently. This is a ‘toughening up’ practice to prepare the plants for their new environment.

How to Harden Off
Place your plants out for a couple of hours in a shady part of the garden. The next day, leave them out again for two hours, but this time allow the plants an hour of direct sunshine in the morning. Gradually continue to increase the length of time the plants are in direct sunshine over the course of roughly two weeks.

Sow Direct Outdoors

  • Sow forget-me-not seeds directly outdoors May- June,
  • Cover with 1/4in soil and keep moist
  • Seedlings will usually appear in 14 – 28 days
  • The first Flowers should appear from April the following year

Forget-me-Not Water and Sun Requirements

Most varieties of Forget me nots need a moist, but well drained soil, so keep on top of the watering. They will grow in a sunny spot, but do prefer a partially shaded spot. Mine at home are currently growing happily under my Apple Tree.

What should you do with forget-me-nots when they have finished flowering?

Do You Prune Forget me Nots? I never bother with pruning spent Forget me nots. Faded flowers will fall away on their own and drop seeds for the following years display.

However, if left unchecked, Forget me nots can spread and become invasive. To remedy this, when their bloom is over, lift the clumps you dont want anymore and dispose.




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