Learn how to Sow, Grow and Harvest your own Chamomile Tea. Benefit from this dainty healing flower for Common ailments such as Colds, sore throats, sleep issues and anxiety.

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About Chamomile Tea
Chamomile Tea is a wonderful natural resource. Infused with water, soothing Chamomile tea has been used for hundreds of years to remedy common ailments, ancient Cultures including the Romans and Egyptians highly revered Chamomile for its medicinal properties. That belief has continued to this day and millions of people around the world use Chamomile as a natural alternative to pharmaceutical medicine. An earth Medicine, free from Chemicals or interference.
Why is it Called ‘Chamomile’ ?
The English word “Chamomile” is derived from the Greek word khamaimēlon, which means “earth apple,” this refers to Chamomile’s characteristic apple-like sweetness
What are the Benefits Of Chamomile Tea

Soothes Cold Symptoms
Great at reducing Cold symptoms. A wonderful common cold remedy for when your feeling a little under the weather
Heart Healthy!
Rich in powerful antioxidants. Current ongoing research suggests that consuming chamomile tea may be helpful for those who suffer from illnesses such as coronary heart disease.
A wonderful aid for stomach issues and digestive health, Chamomile has been shown to reduce symptoms of bloating and acid reflux, making this petite flower a powerful ally for gastrointestinal health
Sleep Benefits
Chamomile Tea has been used for centuries as a sleep and relaxation remedy. Chamomile has a mild sedative effect that helps lull the body into a restful sleep, have a cup before bedtime for sweet dreams.
Sore Throats
Particularly good for sore throats, thanks to its antimicrobial properties, Chamomile Tea can reduce hoarseness and sooth a scratchy sore throat. Pop in a spoonful of Honey for some extra sweetness
An aromatic cup of Chamomile tea is a great stress reliever, its sedative effects can help to calm not just the body, but the mind too. Drink at any time of the day for a warm hug
Immune System
Recent research indicates that Chamomiles antibacterial properties can help to ward off illness keeping your immune system in healthy shape.
Anti – Inflammatory
Drinking Chamomile tea has been shown to reduce symptoms of Inflammation. Chronic inflammatory conditions such as Arthritis can be soothed by drinking Infused Chamomile Tea
How to Grow German Chamomile
Matricaria chamomilla otherwise known as Chamomile is a staple in my garden. I have grown 2 types of Chamomile in the past, Roman and German. Roman Chamomile is a Perennial and German Chamomile is an Annual. My favourite is German Chamomile, it is the taller of the two and has a milder less bitter flavour than Roman Chamomile with their daisy like flowers can grow as tall as 2ft, and they smell amazing!

How to Sow
I like to surface sow in modules, indoors on a sunny windowsill, early spring, then divide each module and plant out after risk of frost has passed, see below.

How to Harvest Chamomile for Tea
Harvest Chamomile flowers around Midday on a Sunny day once the morning dew has dispersed. This is when Chamomile Flowers are at their most potent, full of all those beneficial oils that carry the flowers medicinal properties. Harvest by cutting the stem just below the flower head
How to Dry Chamomile Flowers
For long term storage its important to dry the Chamomile flowers in a way that best preserves the beneficial goodness of the flowers. I have done this in 2 ways…

- Dry straight away after harvesting, place Chamomile flower heads on some brown paper or newspaper and place in a dark dry room for around 2 weeks
- Pop in a dehydrator on the lowest setting for around 12 hours
Store dried Chamomile in an airtight container for up to 1 year
How to Brew Chamomile Tea
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Couldn’t be easier! There are several ways to Make Chamomile tea…
- Tea Ball– Pop a 1 tsp of Chamomile flower Heads in a Tea Ball and place in hot water for around 4 minutes
- Infuser Teapot– Tea for 2? Pop 2 tsps of Chamomile flowers in the Infuser Capsule and let the teapot do the rest, allow to infuse for 5 minutes.
- Allow loose flower heads to steep in hot water for 4 minutes, scoop out with a slotted tea spoon and drink

Looking for more Healing Teas?
Have you made your own Chamomile Tea?
Did you take a picture? Great! Tag me on Instagram, I love to share your creations on my Stories

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