Radish are a very easy vegetable to grow, they tolerate most soil types and are a hardy, quick to mature Vegetable. Take a look at these six Radish Varieties suitable for growing in the Uk
A wonderful starter vegetable
If your new to growing food, Radishes are a great place to start! Radishes are perfect for inter-cropping between slower maturing vegetables.
I am definitely a fan! I make it my business to try different varieties every year. Below are my 2022 graduates!
French Breakfast

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French Breakfast radish is an heirloom variety, first recorded in Europe in 1879. They average 5-10cm in length are oval shaped, have a smooth red, white tipped root and have a crunchy white flesh. One of the prettiest in the Radish world! They have a mild sweet flavour and can be pretty much grown all year round. Sow undercover Jan-April, outdoors April-August, Undercover September-October.
How to Sow
Sow thinly, undercover Jan-April. Outdoors April-August. Undercover September-October, at around 1/2 inch depth, germination takes place within 7 days. Sow every couple of weeks for a succession of crops. Prefers direct light but will tolerate some shade.

Seed to harvest in as little as 3 weeks. Don’t leave them in the ground too long after they have reached maturity, this can lead to woody roots, pull within 2 weeks for the best tasting roots.
French Breakfast Radish seeds
Cherry Belle
Fast maturing, globe like radish, with bright red skin and crisp white flesh. Earned its name due to its Cherry like shape and colour. They average 1-2 inches in diameter, a succulent sweet mild Radish.

How to Sow
Sow thinly, undercover Jan-April. Outdoors April-August. Undercover September-October, at around 1/2 inch depth, germination takes place within 7 days. Sow every couple of weeks for a succession of crops. Prefers direct light but will tolerate some shade.
Ready in as little as 25 days. A hardy radish, slow to go woody after maturity.
Fast growing two toned round or oval Radish around 2cm across. Has a rich Purple hue fading to white at the base. A Delicious peppery Radish that adds a pop of colour to your summer salads.

How to Sow
Sow thinly, undercover Jan-April. Outdoors April-August. Undercover September-October, at around 1/2 inch depth, germination takes place within 7 days. Sow every couple of weeks for a succession of crops. Prefers direct light but will tolerate some shade.
Harvest in as little at 3 weeks
Diana Radish seeds
China Rose
Resembling a large pink Carrot! this unusual looking Radish is native to China, introduced to Europe in 1850, this old girl has some years behind her! Best grown as a Winter Radish, China Rose prefers cooler growing conditions. It has a rosy pink skin, white flesh and a slightly pungent flavour. Particularly good in stews and soups. Its tapered roots can reach 20cm long.

How to sow
Sow July-August at around 1/2 inch depth, protect during the Winter months with a cloche (I grow mine in a greenhouse)
Harvest September-December. For long term storage store roots in boxes of sand.
China Rose radish seeds
Mooli Radish
Mooli or Daikon (Japanese for ‘Big Root’) is widely consumed in Asia, similar in appearance to Horseradish, but carries a milder peppery taste similar to watercress. Fully Winter Hardy, best grown for an Autumn/Winter Harvest. Excellent Bolt resistance, capable of growing up to 35cm long.

How to sow
Direct sow outdoors late June-August. Sow thinly 1/2 inch deep.
Harvest July – November. For long term storage, store in boxes of Sand over winter.
Mooli Radish seeds
Black Spanish Radish
A decades old heritage variety, first mentioned in Europe in 1548. With black skin and white flesh, the Black Spanish has a sharp and spicy flavour, perfect for winter salads. Able to grow as large as 5 inches across, an usual but beautiful Winter Radish.

How to sow
Sow June-September. Sow thinly 1/2 inch deep
Harvest September-December, for long term storage, store in boxes of sand over winter.
Black Spanish seeds
How to stop Radish going soft
Top tip: If you want your Summer Radish crops to keep their crunch, store in a jar of water, in the fridge for up to 10 days.
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