How To Make Plum Compote And 8 Reasons Why Its Good For You!

I love me a good Compote! My Plum Compote is especially good! Delicious, filling and so moorish! It has a rich and festive flavour, similar to mulled wine. With added Cinnamon and Cloves, its a real tummy warmer! This Plum Compote will elevate your Breakfast to another level! But that’s not all! Read on to find out why Plums are the powerhouse of the fruit family!…

Plum Compote

Plums Glorious Plums!

We all Know that fruit is good for us, that’s a no brainer! Wanna be healthy?…eat fruit! But few of us can actually pinpoint, what it is exactly, that makes fruit so good for us. Let me tell you a little bit about Plums! Here’s why you should be eating them….

The 8 Health Benefits of Plums

1. Gut Health

Plums do wonders for your gut thanks to their high fibre content. Consuming plums regularly can encourage regular bowel movements and stimulate the growth of good gut bacteria.

Why is gut bacteria important? Good Bacteria in your gut can help break down certain complex carbohydrates and other dietary fibres that the body can sometimes struggle to break down on its own.

In short, If you’re having some tummy troubles, munch on a plum! It will fix your right up!

2. Immune System Health

A robust immune system is essential for fighting off diseases and infections. Plums are packed with vitamin C, and antioxidants such as anthocyanins which helps to boost immunity and fight off all the nasties!

3. Brain Health

Feeling a little Blah? Plums can help with brain function. Nutrients such as flavonoids in plums can help to boost brain health and protect the brain from the damaging effects of free radicals.

What are Free Radicals? In short, free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules, which have the ability to cause premature aging and chronic disease if left unchecked…I bet you feel like a Plum Now?! ;o)

4. Bone Health

As we get older our bone density, unfortunately, takes a bit of a nose dive! Our Bones are made up of living cells and they are constantly growing and changing. As we grow from child to adult and beyond, our amazing bodies have a natural mechanism for removing old bone and rebuilding new bone.

Here’s the not so great news…after 50 we start to lose bone faster than we can build it. To help our cause we need to introduce Vit K, Vit C and potassium to help increase our bone density and minimise potential bone loss. Guess which fruit is packed with all those Goodies? Yep, Plums!

5. Heart Health

Want to keep the old thumper in tip top shape? Course you do! Plums contain several phytochemicals (polyphenols and anthocyanins) that can boost your heart health. The Antioxidants in Plums can also help to maintain healthy heart muscles, which in turn can minimise certain factors which may lead to heart disease.

6. Oral Health

Bad breath, also called halitosis, can be embarrassing! Fruits that are high in vitamin C, like plums, citrus fruits and berries can help manage it. Plums are also rich in fibre, water and fluoride which contribute to healthy teeth and gums.

Did you know that plums can also prevent the occurance of gingivitis and other gum diseases? Try to make a habit of eating a Plum before bed to keep your Oral health in check.

7. Eye Health

Plums are a good source of vitamin A, which can help improve overall eye health and vision. It can even help to lower the risk of eye conditions such as Cataracts.

8. Anti-inflammatory Properties

Excessive inflammation has been associated with various diseases such as Arthritis, Cancer, Heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The high antioxidant content in Plums can help lower inflammation and help regulate it. Strawberries, Blackberries and Blueberries are also considered strong in anti-inflammatory activity.

Back To The Recipe! WHAT IS COMPOTE?

Compote or compôte, is French for stewed fruit. Compote first originated in 17th Century France. The French believed that fruit cooked in sugar syrup balanced the effects of humidity on the body. It was not only a much loved Sweet dessert, but also a method of healing.

Back then, the Compote, much like today was was easy to make! It consisted of whole, or pieces of fruit cooked in a sugar syrup until a fruity stew formed. During the Renaissance period, it was served chilled at the end of dinner.

Today we have tweaked and improved Compotes to include spices, nuts and dried fruits, the original recipe has come a long way from its humble beginnings back in the 17th century.

Is compote healthier than jam?

Yes. Compote has a lot less sugar content than jam, which is why its often preferred on calorie controlled diets


How To Make Plum Compote

plum compote

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What You’ll Need For This Recipe:


  • Plums
  • Orange Juice
  • Vanilla extract
  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Whole cloves or ground cloves
  • Brown sugar


  • Cut the Plums in Half and pick out the stones
  • Chop the plums into smaller chunks and pop them into a saucepan.
  • Add the Orange Juice, Vanilla extract, Brown Sugar and cloves* if using whole cloves place them in a dispoable tea filter bag and place in the pan
  • Set the pan over a medium-high heat. Stir regularly until the mixture simmers, reduce the heat to low and cook for 10-15 minutes until the Plum Chunks have begun to break down and resembles an Applesauce texture. * You can also mash it a little with the back of your wooden spoon to change its texture.
plum compote
  • Cook until thickened. A good way to tell your compote is ready, is by dragging your spoon across the bottom of the pan. If the compote seperates for a moment and holds a line…its done!
  • If using, remove the clove bag. While still Hot, Spoon the Plum Compote into Sterile Jars and screw tight. Allow to cool before placing in the fridge.


  • Boil– Fill a pan with cold water until the jars are covered. Bring to the boil, then continue to boil for 10 minutes, turn the heat off, then cover the pan to keep the jars warm until you are ready to fill them.
  • Dishwasher-Remove any rubber seals and lids, place on the dishwasher rack and run a hot wash. Do not put any cleaning solutions in your dishwasher. Time your dishwasher to finish when you’re ready to fill the jars.
  • Oven-Heat oven to 140C. Wash the jars in hot, soapy water, rinse well. Place the jars on a baking tray and put them in the oven to dry completely. If using Kilner type jars, boil the rubber seals, do not put them in the oven, the dry heat will damage them.


Store Plum Compote in the fridge and consume with in two weeks of making. Compote does not have the longevity Jam does, due to the lower sugar content.

can You Freeze plum Compote?

Absolutely! Freeze Plum compote for up to 3 months. Simply pop in a freezer bag once cooled. Defrost in the fridge overnight. Serve cold, or gently warm it up in a pan.



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Plum Compote

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine: English


  • 5-6 Ripe Plums
  • Juice from 1 Orange
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 4 whole cloves or a pinch of ground cloves
  • 3-4 tbsp Brown Sugar


  • Cut The Plums in Half and pick out the stones
  • Chop the plums into smaller chunks and pop them into a saucepan
  • Add the Orange Juice, Vanilla extract, Brown Sugar and cloves* if using whole cloves place them in a dispoable tea filter bag and place in the pan
  • Set the pan over a medium-high heat. Stir regularly until the mixture simmers, reduce the heat to low and cook for 10-15 minutes until the Plum Chunks have begun to break down and resembles an Applesauce texture. * You can also mash it a little with the back of your wooden spoon to change its texture.
  • Cook until thickened. A good way to tell your compote is ready, is by dragging your spoon across the bottom of the pan. If the compote seperates for a moment and holds a line…its done!
  • If using, remove clove bag. While still Hot Spoon the Plum Compote into Sterile Jars and screw tight. Allow to cool before placing in the fridge

*Any specific health claim or nutritional claims or information provided on the Website are for informational purposes only. Nothing on the Website is offered or intended to be a substitute for professional medical, health, or nutritional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This Website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You assume full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional regarding health conditions or concerns.

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