How to make Tangerine Marmalade

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Tangerine Marmalade, sweet and sticky, incredible on toast! Just 5 ingredients, Tangerines, water, sugar, Cinnamon and lemon juice. Minimal effort for Maximum flavour!

Tangerine marmalade

The Joy of Homemade

I don’t buy marmalade anymore! Why would I, when Homemade is so much better! That’s the thing with making your own Jams and Marmalades, you inevitably spoil your taste buds! Its so hard to go back to shop bought after that.

Tangerine marmalade recipe

What I would absolutely love to do, is to grow my own Tangerines! What a treat that would be! Unfortunately, England is not known for its tropical climate, so I will just have to settle with shop bought for now. Pick the freshest and ripest for this recipe.

Why Tangerines and not Oranges for this Marmalade?

Both Tangerines and Oranges can be sweet or tart in flavour. However, most Tangerines are a little less Tart and indeed Sweeter than Oranges. Tangerines also tend to have a stronger flavour profile than Oranges and also a shorter aftertaste. This makes for a sweeter, deeper flavoured Marmalade.

Tangerine marmalade recipe

Can I use Oranges instead?

Of course! If all you have to hand is Oranges, they will make a like for like substitute, no alteration to the recipe is required

Tangerine marmalade recipe

What is Marmalade and where did it come from?

Marmalade is simply a fruit preserve made by boiling Water, Sugar and Citrus fruits together. Not only made from fruits in the Orange family, Marmalade can also be made with Grapefruits, Limes and Lemons. Though most store bought Marmalades you buy today are made from Spanish Seville Oranges prized for their flavour and high pectin content (pectin allows the marmalade to set better)

The name Marmalade comes from the Portuguese word Marmelos. Marmelos was a Quince Paste similar in texture to an Orange spread, which was popular way before the commercialisation of Marmalade. The first commercial brand of Marmalade, along with the world’s first marmalade factory, was founded in Scotland in 1797 by the Keiller family, whom are credited with making Marmalade a Household name, it soon gained popularity as a breakfast staple, often used as an accompaniment for toast.

How to make Tangerine Marmalade


  • 800 g Tangerines unpeeled, thinly sliced
  • 400 g Granulated Sugar
  • 600 ml water 
  • 1 tbsp of Lemon Juice
  • 1 tsp of Cinnamon powder


  • First place a small plate in the freezer ( this is to check the Marmalade is set later)
  • Place the Sliced Tangerines in a large saucepan, add the 600ml of water, simmer for 20 minutes until the tangerine rind softens.
  • Add the sugar and stir in until completely dissolved.

Tangerine marmalade recipe

  • Add the lemon juice and Cinnamon. Boil for 20-30 minutes. ( Tip- if you like less rind in your marmalade, half way through cooking, pick out some of the rind with a fork)
  • To test the Marmalade is ready. Retrieve the plate from the freezer, spoon a small amount on the plate, push the edge of the Marmalade with your finger, if it wrinkles it’s ready. If not, cook for a little longer.
  • Pour while still hot into a sterile Jar

Tangerine marmalade recipe

Three ways to Sterilise Jars for Jams and Marmalades

Boil– Fill a pan with cold water until the jars are covered. Bring to the boil, then continue to boil for 10 minutes, turn the heat off, then cover the pan to keep the jars warm until you are ready to fill them.

Dishwasher-Remove any rubber seals and lids, place on the dishwasher rack and run a hot wash. Do not put any cleaning solutions in your dishwasher. Time your dishwasher to finish when you’re ready to fill the jars.

Oven-Heat oven to 140C. Wash the jars in hot, soapy water, rinse well. Place the jars on a baking tray and put them in the oven to dry completely. If using Kilner type jars, boil the rubber seals, do not put them in the oven, the dry heat will damage them.

What You’ll need for this Recipe

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How to Store Tangerine Marmalade

Unopened Tangerine Marmalade will keep for up to a year in a cool dark Cupboard. Opened, store in the fridge and consume within 14 days


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Tangerine Marmalade


800 g Tangerines , unpeeled, thinly sliced

400 g Granulated Sugar

600 ml water 

1 tbsp of Lemon Juice

1 tsp of Cinnamon powder


  • First place a small plate in the freezer ( this is to check the Marmalade is set later)
  • Place the Sliced Tangerines in a large saucepan, add the 600ml of water, simmer for 20 minutes until the tangerine rind softens.
  • Add the sugar and stir in until completely dissolved.
  • Add the lemon juice and Cinnamon. Boil for 20-30 minutes. ( Tip- if you like less rind in your marmalade, half way through cooking, pick out some of the rind with a fork)
  • To test the Marmalade is ready. Retrieve the plate from the freezer, spoon a small amount on the plate, push the edge of the Marmalade with your finger, if it wrinkles it's ready
  • Pour while still hot into a sterile Jar





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